Governor Herberts of Utah and two members of the lions club

Purpose Statements:

Lions Clubs International – Is the world’s largest service organization.  Their motto is “We Serve” and they do so with 1.4M members throughout 200+ countries around the world.  Their community service focus areas are Youth, Hunger, Diabetes, Childhood Cancer, Vision, and Environment.

Liberty Lives Forever – Exists to supply pocket Constitution books containing the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution to ‘We the People’ with a focus on students.


Steps to implement Pocket Constitution Book Program

  1. Meet with the School District Superintendent to discuss how the Lions club could provide a great learning program for their 5th grade students. Notes: Show them the free book and be flexible with the schools and their schedules!


  1. Establish what type of program works best for that particular school (e.g. short essay, quiz, test, a Constitution Bee (like a Spelling Bee), etc. Note: Encourage children to use self-study questions within the Constitution Booklets to gauge learning.


  1. Have someone (Lions, public officials, service organizations, Veterans, business leaders, etc.) speak to the 5th grade class about the importance of the U.S. Constitution and give each student a U.S. Pocket Constitution book.


  1. Encourage schools to hold some sort of fun event to gauge or assess student learning and one that celebrates Constitution Day on September 17, 2019. .   Note:  Clubs can provide an “incentive to study” through cash awards and/or prizes to the schools that participated.


  1. Reach out to the local community TV station (if there is one), to videotape the Constitution Bee (or event) and show it on their local TV channel.


  1. The Sorenson Grant requires you to report back to the district on your program’s success, what school(s) participated, how many students participated, type of activity, competition winners, etc.


  1. Write an article about this program for the Lions Magazine with photos, testimonials, local publicity, new members generated, etc.